Spain’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Magrama) promotes the creation of Omega 3 logo as a distinctive element and value of fishery products.

The purpose of this strategy is to offer greater visibility to the nutrition declaration “High Omega -3 fatty acid content” and “Source of Omega -3 fatty acids,” aimed at the consumer’s purchasing decision.

“It consists in establishing a distinctive differentiation of fishery products, facilitating the development of more effective generic promotional campaigns,” explained the Minister Miguel Arias Cañete on presenting the initiative at the opening ceremony of the III Conference of the Fishery Product Quality.

In this framework, the minister stated that “the research should guide the responsible management of fisheries resources and the innovation must help grant technology improvements to fishing activities and product quality with lower costs.”

Besides, he stressed that innovation should encourage options that promote fisheries and aquaculture diversification to create new job opportunities and alternative sources of income.

Similarly, for Arias Cañete “it is extremely important for consumers to receive these developments,” which is why the Ministry promotes information and promotion moves related to the benefits of fish products, one of which is the Omega 3 logo.

For his part, the director general of the Food Industry of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Fernando Burgaz, explained that the fishing source products will be able to include two possible directions according to their content of Omega 3 fatty acids.

The packaging of these foods may include the words ‘High in Omega 3 fatty acids natural content’ or ‘Source of natural Omega 3 fatty acids.’ The reference ‘natural’ is determined by the Community Regulations No. 116/2010 and can be used in fishery products containing messages related to Omega 3.

Burgaz stressed that “nearly all fish, seafood and canned products will be identified with the logo ‘High in Omega 3 fatty acids natural content,’ while “clams, cockles, mussels, baby clams, canned tuna in oil and canned clams in water may include the distinctive label ‘Source of Natural Omega 3 fatty acids.'”

For a correct use of this logo a Manual has been developed with a reference to some of the different fishing foods for which it can be used.

“All individuals and firms trading products from fisheries and aquaculture and satisfying the conditions laid down in the current legislation on nutrition and consumer information, can make use of it through the agreements signed by their respective national associations with the Ministry,” the official stated.

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