Keti Bandar Sixteen fisherman of fisheries community drowned on Tuesday after fishing boat capsized in Arabian Sea at Keti Bandar near Thatta. According to sources, a small fisher boat with twelve local fishermen onboard has capsized several hundred meters off-shore of Arabian Sea near Khobar creek at Keti Bandar. As the result of fishing boat capsized, the fishermen, nine from Katiar & three were from Karma community of Keti Bandar were drowned and missing who were proceeding to the fishing in Arabian Sea, the sources said. Other hand while talking with media, Gulab Shah, President, Pakistan Fisher Folk Forum, Thatta chapter told the media that their rescue staff were activated and sent to find out the drowned missing fishermen. He also denied the media reports of received dead bodies and affirmed as rumors and speculations. Other hand, the initial indications of the drowning the fishing boat not identified. Meanwhile it is reported that the members of Bar Association Badin led senior lawyer, Advocate Mr. Mazhar Din Memon, advocate Manzoor Ahmed Chandio and Advocate Ayoub Kasar has protested against the Quetta Carnage. While addressing the Bar, Mr. Mazhar Din Memon, Manzoor Ahmed Chandio, Ayoub Kasar and others said that terrorists would not deter us from the our destination by such ugly tacts, adding they said that whole nation is united against the terrorism and we will end the terrorist at any cost. Meanwhile, the lawyers of Bar Association of Badin district has also announced to boycott the court proceedings on Tuesday. They demanded hard punishment to terrorist and their facilitators throughout the country. Before it, district Bar Association Badin also called on the condolence reference at district Bar Badin and offered Fatiha Khawani & prayed for departed souls for eternal peace of Quetta carnage.

Daily Pakistan Observer