The Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum (PFF) has criticised the marine fisheries department for inviting deep sea trawling companies to issue them fishing licences.

In a statement issued on Sunday, PFF Chairperson Mohammed Ali Shah condemned the government’s approach to exploit the marine resources, which were already declining fast due to overfishing.

The PFF leaders pleaded that fish catch had declined by over 70 percent, forcing the fishermen to stay at home. Earlier a boat used to bring about 2,000kg to 3,000kg fish per trip but now vessels hardly bring 100-200kg, which is insufficient to provide proper share to the poor crews. Sometimes the fishing boats even return empty and the crew members cannot feed their kids, and several families have lost their traditional source of income.

According to a recent advertisement, deep sea trawlers will be allowed to operate within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Pakistan. The government has offered 100 licences to trawlers in different category depending on their capacity of catch.

The PFF leaders claimed the destructive gear used to catch fish in the deep sea destroyed coral reefs and sponge beds. These habitats provide important ecosystems to other marine species and most fish cannot survive the changes. The trawlers sort out commercial fish and throw back the dead unwanted fish into the sea causing marine pollution.

The News International