Mirpur city police Monday booked the contractors of fishing off Mangla dam Raja Muhammad Arshad and his assistant Munish Muhammad Nazir for non-payment of the due amount of ongoing contract of fishing from the Mangla dam reservoir within the stipulated time frame and for issuing fake cheques to the State, it was officially declared. Authorities have also cancelled the current contract of the contractor Raja Muhammad Arshad (who holds power of attorney from the actual contractor) with immediate effect besides confiscating and sealing all moveable and immovable properties including rafts, launches, boats and fishing equipment and go-downs belonging to the contractor. Police took the action registering a case against the fish contractor on the special directives of the Chief Secretary of Azad Jammu & Kashmir Muhammad Jilaal Sikander Sultan Raja and the Secretary Forests, Fisheries and Wild Life of AJK government Farhat Ali Mirpur on dishonoring of the cheques of the amount worth Rs. 20 million on account of the due official amount of the contract.
Daily Pakistan Observer