Federal Minister for Food, Sikandar Hayat Bosan has said that on the instructions of Prime Minister, Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, special priority was being given to Balochistan in new fisheries policy being introduced by the federal government. He said this while attending a high level meeting presided over by Chief Minister Balochistan, Nawab Sanaullah Khan Zehri, here on Wednesday. Minister of State, Jam Kamal Khan, Chief Secretary Balochistan, Saifullah Chattah and senior officials also attended the meeting. The Federal Minister said, “Special measures are being taken for putting a halt to illegal fishing,” adding that the federal government has been paying special attention towards improvement of living standard of fisheries community of Balochistan. He said that steps were also being taken for bringing further improvement in fisheries sector of Balochistan in order to increase income for the province. He said that all units were being taken on board in designing of new fisheries policy and said that on the instructions of Premier Nawaz Sharif, Balochistan province was being given special priority in this regard. He said that the jurisdiction of the Balochistan government in deep sea water had been increased from 12 kilometers to 20 kilometers in order to ensure effective control on illegal fishing. He said that Balochistan could earn huge money by promoting business pertaining to sea food. “We can earn huge money by increasing our sea food exports,” he said. Responding to the Federal Minister, the Chief Minister Balochistan said that his government had taken practical measures to control illegal fishing. He said that stern action would be taken against the elements found involved in illegal fishing. The Minster of State, Jam Kamal Khan emphasized the need to construct cold stores in coastal areas for storage of sea food.

2016 Business Recorder.