A minor argument broke out between fishermen from Puducherry and Cuddalore over the use of a specially made net to catch squid near Veerampattinam coast on Tuesday. Fishermen from Veerampattinam village objected to the use of the net on the Puducherry coast.

When the fishermen from the neighbouring State did not stop casting the net near the shore, the fishermen from Veerampattinam seized their boat. The seized boat, along with seven fishermen from Cuddalore, were then handed over to Veerampattinam police.

Director of Fisheries, Ismail, said the specially made net used to capture squid could cause damage to other fishing nets and even boats. The fishermen were Cuddalore warned against using such nets on Puducherry coast. The issue was resolved after holding talks with the Fisheries authorities in Cuddalore, Mr. Ismail said.