Punjab’s additional chief secretary for cooperation, Alok Shekhar, on Wednesday said that the state will focus on boosting the fisheries sector by leveraging the existing Primary Agricultural Cooperative Societies (PACS) and establishing new Multipurpose Agricultural Cooperative Societies (MPACS).
Speaking at the Sahikarta Sammelan Punjab event held at Punjab Bhawan, Shekhar highlighted the successes of dairy-based cooperative societies and stressed the need to revitalise the state’s extensive network of ponds to enhance fisheries and help maintain groundwater levels, with support from cooperative societies.
The event was part of a nationwide initiative aimed at strengthening PACS and setting up new MPACS. Shekhar pointed out that Punjab is home to around 18,000 ponds spread across its 13,000 villages, many of which have dried up over time. He emphasised the importance of rejuvenating these ponds, not only to boost the fisheries industry but also to preserve groundwater levels and restore the ecosystem in rural areas.