Argentina’s Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries (MINAGRI), Norberto Yauhar, informed the members of the National Fisheries Consensus (CPN) that the Government is considering lowering the tax on exports of shrimp (Pleoticus muelleri), squid (Illex argentinus) and hake (Merluccius hubbsi).

In addition, he anticipated the granting of soft loans to the sector, through a revolving fund that would be made available to the MINAGRI.

Likewise, the Government intends to reduce the price of diesel for the entire fleet as part of an agreement with YPF company to provide 10 million litters for fishermen and fish processors.

The Ministry reported that the aim of the meeting was “to discuss measures to boost the activity through improved operating costs, which allow for greater competitiveness, in preparation to the opening of new markets.”

“The objective is the continuity of decree that was in force during the last year and granted a reduction on export taxes of products that have high added value, such as shrimp processed onshore, hake and squid,” the authority said.

Furthermore, Yauhar said that as a result of the latest commercial tours made in China, UAE, Azerbaijan, Indonesia and Vietnam, the possibility to export national fishery products to other markets is opening.

According to the chambers of the sector in recent times, Argentine-fishing companies placed more than 20,000 tonnes of products in China.

Fish production contributes to Argentina’s trade balance about USD 1,000 million annually.

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