President William Ruto of Kenya has pledged to address the longstanding dispute between Kenya and Uganda concerning the detention of Kenyan fishermen in Uganda. He is set to hold talks with his Ugandan counterpart, Yoweri Museveni, on October 10, 2023, and addressing this issue will be at the top of their agenda.

The dispute centers on fishing rights in Lake Victoria, the largest freshwater lake in Africa, shared by Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania, leading to conflicts over territorial boundaries, particularly for their fishing activities. Kenyan fishermen have faced arrests and detentions in Uganda for fishing in areas that Uganda claims as its territorial waters. Migingo Island, central to the dispute, has a predominantly Kenyan population, and tensions have escalated due to conflicting claims regarding the island’s ownership.

The situation has escalated over the years with reports of shootings, arrests, and clashes involving the Fisheries Protection Unit, Kenya Coast Guards, and security teams from both countries. These incidents have resulted in casualties and heightened tensions between the two nations.