South Korea was granted additional catch quota for tuna in the Pacific Ocean in 2024 under a regional fisheries body agreement, the oceans ministry said Wednesday.

The Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) granted South Korea a quota of 883 tons of bluefin tuna in the region for 2024, up 135 tons from the previous ceiling, the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries said.

“The latest decision came as the government and South Korean fishermen have been making efforts to reduce the amount of catch to recover maritime resources,” Oceans Minister Cho Seung-hwan said.

“South Korea remains committed to efforts aimed at establishing a rational and sustainable resource management policy, based on scientific data, within global maritime organizations,” he added.

The quota for bigeye tuna also increased by 1,394 tons to 15,336 tons, the ministry added.

The WCPFC sets limits on tuna catches to protect the dwindling species from overfishing.