Two fishermen, identified as Antonio Sabino and Osorio Pires from Neves in SaôTomē and Principe reportedly lost in the Atlantic Ocean for five days have been rescued in Brass Council Area of Bayelsa State.

The traumatised men, who speak Portuguese, were said to have been rescued by a fishing trawler in the Gulf of Guinea and handed over to fishermen from Okpoama on the Atlantic coast of Brass who took them ashore.

Chairman of the Okpoama Kingdom Security Committee, Chief Munalayefa William-Sinte, said the malnourished and frail-looking men were clothed and fed before they were handed over to the Police for necessary action.

He said the fishermen were visibly worried but were calmed with sign language before they were handed over to the Police as it was impossible to communicate with them because of the language barrier.

Chief Sinte also disclosed that a fisherman from Ilaje in Ondo State, but resident in Okpoama, has been missing for over a week and his colleagues have been searching the ocean for days.