Sea conditions in Indonesia’s capital, Jakarta, which is already polluted with waste makes it difficult for fishermen in Cilincing, North Jakarta, to catch fish for their livelihood. As a result, fishermen continue to lose money because operational costs are not comparable with their income.

Kurdiyanto, (45), one of Cilincing fishermen, complained that it was difficult to catch fish for the last 4 months. “Lately, I could only get 4 or 5 kilograms of fish at sea, he admitted, on the sideline of amicable gathering activity with Jakarta Provincial Government, Sunday (6/23).

Usually in a day, he could get up to 50 kilograms. However, the high pollution of the sea makes his income declined. “The sea is polluted, causing fish to die, he lamented.

Responding on this matter, North Jakarta Mayor, Bambang Sugiyono, who represented Jakarta Governor, Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo, urged those who live on the coast to maintain the cleanliness of Jakarta seas, instead of littering. “If we love the nautical, we must keep the sea’s cleanliness from impurities, such as wastes, he appealed.

All this time, coastal communities on the frontline have to often face the sea. “Therefore, they should be able to keep the cleanliness of the sea, instead of dumping wastes haphazardly to the sea, he finished. – Media Online Pemprov DKI Jakarta