The Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment is working on a Multi-Year Strategic Plan for Spanish Aquaculture, to be submitted to the European Commission before the end of this year.

The Plan will set the guidelines for the sustainable development of aquaculture, and to expand and enhance the sector.

The first step of the plan is to analyse the aquaculture sector in each of the Spanish regions, along with an estimation of the possible evolution of the sector in the short, medium and long term.

Following this, concrete measures will be defined that can contribute to improving Spanish aquaculture development in science and technology, production, socioeconomic and environmental aspects.

The Plan will promote the participation of central and regional governments, associations, companies and staff, research centres and universities, NGOs, marketing and processing industry, and society.

All EU Member States are required to submit a multi-year strategic plan for aquaculture, as part of the process of the Common Fisheries Policy reform which began in 2011.

Mercator Media Ltd 2013