Fisheries Minister Douglas Devananda, on an official visit to South Korea from September 18 to 22, met with South Korea’s Oceans and Fisheries Minister Cho Seung Hwan.

According to the World Food Programme, there will be many climate changes that will cause the destruction and decrease of the fish resources of the ocean in the future, and because of that, the increasing population will face a serious problem in the production of protein. Hence, Minister Cho Seung Hwan requested to work on the development of aquaculture to supply the shortfall in protein supply.

In order to meet the protein needs of the people, it would be necessary to expend much funds on the farm, on 7.5-8 kg of food, to produce 1 kg of meat (cows, chickens, sheep). Hence, the development of aquaculture is extremely important, as it costs 1.5 kg of fish food for 1 kg of fish, Minister Cho Seung Hwan pointed out.

Minister Devananda, who concurred, said there are natural resources in Sri Lanka which he hopes to improve and develop them, and hoped that developed countries such as South Korea will provide aid and technical assistance needed for that.

Elaborating, he added that he has already taken many necessary steps for the development of aquaculture, starting many sea leech farms and providing the necessary advice and funding through the National Aquaculture Development Authority and the National Aquatic Resources Research and Development under his ministry, to build them using modern technology.

Fisheries Department Director General Susantha Kahawatta accompanied Minister Devananda on this visit.