Northern fishermen have been continuously protesting and demanding that the government provide them land in the coastal areas and allow them to engage in their fishing activities peacefully. These fishermen have also urged the government to confiscate the Indian fishing vessels that encroach on Sri Lankan territorial waters but release the Indian fishermen. Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Minister Mahinda Amaraweera said the government and his ministry are looking into the issue. The Minister admitted that there were certain issues with regard to the coastal lands and agreed to meet with the Northern fishermen and discuss their grievances and take measures to resolve their issues. However, according to Herman Kumara, of the National Federation of Fish Workers, the government is only talking about the issues faced by the Northern fishermen and the Indian fishing issue and killing time but so far nothing has been done. He said every government that has come to power has discussed the matter but to date not one of them have come up with a viable solution. Herman said the Indian fishing vessels that are impounded by the Sri Lankan government should not be released no matter how much pressure is exerted, adding that until the lands belonging to the Northern fishermen held by the government are released, the fisher folk of the North and his organisation will continue to protest. “There is no purpose in imprisoning the Indian fishermen if the government is prepared to release their boats. If the boats are released and returned to their Indian owners, these boats will once again be deployed for illegal fishing in Sri Lankan waters. This problem can never be resolved in that manner. However, if the Sri Lankan government impounds the fishing boats, then these boats cannot be redeployed and will at least reduce the number of boats entering our waters illegally, he added. Fishermen in the coastal belt of Myliddy, Urani, Maiyiliddy and Vaikamam said that although the government had assured them that their lands will be released, so far nothing has been done to release these lands back to the fishermen. Therefore, these fishermen are engaged in a continuous protest demanding the release of their lands. The Northern fishermen are demanding the government to return these lands back to them providing them all infrastructure facilities. These Northern fishermen also seek the Myliddy harbour in order to carry on with their fishery activities. Currently, this harbour is in the custody of the security forces. The Northern fishermen also allege that even in Kankasanthurai (KKS) the military is holding onto lands belonging to the Northern people with the intention of expanding the military run resorts similar to ‘Thal Sevana’ in KKS. The Northern people charge that even in the areas of Myliddy, Urani, Maiyiliddy and Vaikamam the government is not releasing the lands because they want to hold on to these areas to develop them as tourist destinations.Herman Kumara further stated that the government is also holding onto lands in the Palali area due to the military camp and airport in the vicinity and as a result around 5,000 families are still lamenting in IDP camps being unable to return to their homes. Although this issue has been discussed with the government at length, the government is reluctant to release these lands for some reason, said Herman adding that these fishermen still cannot understand why their lands are still not released. The National Fisheries Association said discussions are in progress to ascertain what measures should be taken in order to find a solution to the land issues faced by the Northern people. He said TNA MP Sumanthiran is also planning on taking forward the case filed in the Supreme Court regarding the non-releasing of the lands in the North. However, despite their grievances being brought to the notice of all concerned and with no solutions in sight and no one coming forward to help these people, recently the Northern fishermen went to the Nallur temple and issued a statement citing their grievances and the pathetic plight they are in. Their intention in doing so was to get the attention of the UN and all concerned officials, through this media coverage and as a result seek solutions to their issues.