An extended survey of marine resources within the Sri Lankan sea area is due to be conducted again, after 38 years from the first marine resources investigation conducted in Sri Lanka in 1978, Minister of Fisheries Mahinda Amaraweera said. The objectives of the survey will be the assessment of fish stocks, conservation of certain species of fish at threat of extinction, collection of data of the fish species which need extended farming, and gathering information of other aquatic species and aquatic plants. The survey is planned to be implemented with the collaboration of Fisheries Ministry, National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency (NARA) and the Norwegian Centre for Development Cooperation in Fisheries. Minister Amaraweera officially visited Norway in August and the matters related to this marine survey was highly noted there. Accordingly, Norway has consented in providing Sri Lanka with world’s largest vessel deployed in marine resources investigations. The vessel, RV Dr Fridtjof Nansen Advanced Research Vessel, is fully equipped with the latest technology used in marine resources investigations. The 550 ft. long and 200 ft. wide vessel will be employed for the investigation purposes of marine resources in SriLankan waters for 2 years, said the Minister. The survey will be fully funded by the Norwegian government and be initiated in next January with a view to developing fisheries industry in Sri Lanka and the government of Norway has expressed their fully consent in this regard. Norway will provide assistance on fish stock assessment and conduct an oceanographic survey in collaboration with National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency (NARA). The data will be used in assessment of fish stocks, especially in submission of recommendation of strategies for fish resources development.

2000, 2016 by (LLC) :