State-owned Indonesian oil and gas giant PT Pertamina has set a monthly quota of 176 kiloliters of subsidized diesel fuel for 564 traditional fishing boats in West Aceh district, Aceh province, a government official said.

“Alhamdulillah (Thank God), we have received an additional supply of 24 kiloliters (kl) of fuel for our fishermen,” said Erfan, head of fisheries and fish catchment at the West Aceh Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Office.

Speaking to ANTARA here on Wednesday, he informed that the previous monthly quota was 152 kl. The current monthly quota for subsidized diesel will be quite helpful for local traditional fishermen.

Therefore, they are thankful to Pertamina for the additional quota, he said, adding that the subsidized fuel will be distributed through a fuel station set up for fishermen in Padang Seurahet village, Johan Pahlawan sub-district.

At least 300 of the 564 fishing boats registered at the West Aceh Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Office have requested the district administration’s monthly recommendation for obtaining subsidized diesel fuel from two chosen fuel stations, he disclosed.

Thus, if the fuel station in Padang Seurahet village runs out of subsidized fuel, fishermen who have received the local government’s recommendation can get fuel at the Pasi Pinang fuel station in Meureubo sub-district and the Kutapadang fuel station in Meulaboh sub-district.

“The fishermen can easily get the fuel. If we issue the recommendation today, they can have fuel at the (Kutapadang) fuel station today,” he added.