The outcast super-trawler Margiris has found a new place to go – one of the world’s most troubled jack mackerel fisheries in the South Pacific.

Banned by the federal government because of doubts over its impact on Australia’s small pelagic fishery, the Margiris left Australia in March, and was this week tracked down off Chile.

The giant factory-freezer ship anchored near the port city of Talcahuano before heading out to sea, according to Greenpeace.

Jack mackerel catches in the region peaked at nearly 5 million tonnes a year around 1995 before collapsing in what fisheries scientists regard as a classic case of overfishing – much of it by super-trawlers.

“The Margiris now appears to be fishing in the under-regulated high seas in the jurisdiction of the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation [SPRFMO],” said Greenpeace oceans campaigner Nathaniel Pelle.

After years of attempts by countries including Australia, New Zealand and Chile to get the fishery under control, the Wellington-based SPRFMO this year imposed a 360,000 tonne catch limit, despite serious concerns about low population levels and high fishing mortality.

The lion’s share of the catch goes to Chile, but the SPRFMO’s acting executive secretary, Robin Allen, said if the Margiris was fishing for jack mackerel, it would be within a 34,496 tonne European Union quota.

The 142 metre super-trawler was banned from fishing in Australian waters by Environment Minister Tony Burke over concerns about its potential by-catch, including seals and dolphins, and localised depletion of the fishery.

Joint venturer Seafish Tasmania is challenging Mr Burke’s decision in the Federal Court, arguing the Margiris would have taken a small percentage of the Australian stock.

As the ship left, Seafish director Gerry Geen said it would be forced to operate in a fishery under pressure, instead of sustainable Australian waters .

The finance director of the ship’s Dutch company, Dirk Van der Plas, declined to comment on why the South Pacific fishery was chosen.

“Our fishing operations, areas and plans are commercially sensitive,” Mr Van der Plas said by email.

But he confirmed jack mackerel was in the ship’s sights. “The Margiris is a pelagic fishing vessel, and jack mackerel is a pelagic fish.”

Greenpeace’s Nathaniel Pelle said the group’s expert ship tracker reported that Margiris was the only large factory fishing vessel currently operating in the South Pacific high seas.

“The lack of vessels there is likely testament to the lack of fishing opportunities that exist now since the collapse,” Mr Pelle said.

“The Australian government did the right thing by turning back the Margiris and rejecting the sort of fishing that is the very reason small pelagic fisheries have collapsed from the west coast of Africa to the Pacific,” he said.

“But until the EU and other fishing powers drastically cut the global fleet, these subsidised monster ships will continue to try their chances in the farthest reaches of the ocean.”

2013 Fairfax Media