The State Fisheries Department released about three lakh fingerlings in the water spread area of Mettur Dam on Friday. The Department officials led by C. Subramani, Assistant Director of Fisheries, released roghu fingerlings nurtured in the Government Fish Seed Farm at Mettur, in the dam’s water spread area in Masilalapalayam area. According to the department sources, the fish breeding season in Mettur Dam commence by July 1 every year. The Department will regularly release fingerlings to ensure good catch for the registered fishermen of the Mettur Dam Fishermen Cooperative Marketing Society. The sources said that the department had released a record 46 lakh fish fingerlings in the dam last fishing year. Seized A team of the department, led by M. Kathiresan, Inspector of Fisheries, seized eight small mesh size banned nets, used by fishermen in violation of norms, in the water spread area of River Cauvery on Friday. The officials conducted surprise check using a motor boat in Kottaiyur, Settipatti, Palar and spotted fishermen using banned nets. On spotting the officials team, the fishermen fled the scene. The officials seized eight nets.
2016, The Hindu