For all the tragic reasons, this day–December 26–will remain etched in the minds and hearts of the people living in coastal hamlets not only in Tamil Nadu, but also in countries like Indonesia and Sri Lanka. It was on this day on a peaceful Sunday morning, the mother nature struck it all its fury, snuffing out thousands of lives, in the form of deadly tidal waves triggered by an undersea earthquake which was later named as tsunami.

Nineteen years on, more than 8,000 people who had lost their lives, including in the worst affected coastal Nagapattinam district, Cuddalore, Kanniyakumari and Chennai, people still are in a state of mourning unable to come to terms with the deadly disaster, that took the lives of their near and dear ones and the kith and kins. Yes.

The wounds might have healed. But the scars remain as any amount of compensation or solace offered by the government would help them to overcome this grief. Silent rallies, tearful homage and special worships in memory of those, who were swept away by the deadly tsunami, this day in 2004, marked the observation of the 19th solemn anniversary in Tamil Nadu. The massive tsunami, triggered by deadly tidal waves had claimed more than 8,000 lives and devastated coastal districts of Chennai, Cuddalore, Nagapattinam and Kanniyakumari, besides leaving a trail of horror memories.

In most of the fishing hamlets fishermen observed the day as black day as people poured pots of milk into the sea to pay respects to their near and dear.. In some of the districts, fishermen stayed away from the sea as a mark of respect to the victims. ”Though the tragedy occurred 19 years back, it is still vivid in our memory as if it had occurred today”, was the refrain of one of the grim-faced grieving fishermen said, justifying their decision to stay away from sea. As the day dawned, floral tributes were paid to the tsunami victims by the fishing community at Sreenivasapuram areas in the city.

In the coastal districts of Nagapattinam, Cuddalore and Kannniyakumari, tens and hundreds of people, including weeping women, showered flower petals into the sea as a mark of remembrance of those who perished in the tragedy. Reports from Cuddalore, Kanniyakumari and the worst-affected Nagapattinam said special prayers were held and candles were lit at the memorial to pay respects to the victims. Silent processions were also taken to mark the occasion.