Non-release of funds by the Union Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries has been delaying the execution of work on fishing harbour at Poompuhar, a major fishing centre in the district. Once completed, the harbour will cater to the anchoring needs of fishermen of 18 villages in and around Poompuhar. At present, the fishermen from these villages, including Vanagiri, Tirumullaivasal, Chinnangudi, Tranquebar, Pudhukuppam, Madathukuppam, and Naickankuppam, have been anchoring their boats at Poraiyar, a far off place. They undergo the ordeal of landing their mechanised boats in the absence of harbour. On reaching Poompuhar, fishes are transported head load by labourers. The work is being executed at an estimate of Rs.148 crore, shared by the Union and State governments. It was planned that the Central government would contribute Rs.93.62 crore and the State government Rs.54.37 crore, towards the cost. Although the State government had released its share of Rs. 54.37 crore, the Central government had so far released only Rs.23 crore out of its share of Rs. 93.62 crore, an official source told The Hindu on Sunday. The contractor had executed works worth Rs. 107 crore but payment was yet to be disbursed to the tune of Rs. 29.50 crore to the contractor for the past eight months, resulting in the delay, the source said. The project is aimed at diverting backwaters towards northern side of Poompuhar so that the large area could be used for anchoring mechanised vessels. The project involves construction of main break wall on the seawaters to a length of 1,100 metres, leeward break wall to a length of 390 metres, and diaphragm wall to a length of 480 metres. “The diaphragm wall comprises two components one along the shore to a length of 440 metres and other on the reverse for a length of 20 metres each on two sides so that the total length of the diaphragm wall is 480 metres, an official source told The Hindu here on Sunday. The direction of the current was first diverted from Poompuhar to Cuddalore port by putting up thousands of boulders. “We shall be setting up hundreds of tetrapods each weighing anywhere between 2 tonnes and 10 tonnes depending on its size, said the official. The tetrapods are set up on the seaside to dissipate waves. While heavy weight tetrapods (10 tonnes each) are used in deep-sea waters, pods with lesser weight are dropped on the shores. The pods are cast on the shores of Poompuhar. The work which commenced last year following announcement under provisions of Section 110 by Chief Minister Jayalalithaa on the floor of the Assembly on September 11, 2013, should have been completed about eight months ago. As many as 350 mechanised boats will be anchored at the harbour. A full-fledged infrastructure will be provided on the sprawling area of 16.5 hectares where the harbour will be set up. It will have net mending centre, auction yard, toilet blocks for men and women, administrative office block, etc. Originally, the project was estimated to cost Rs. 78.5 crore. However, it was revised later with the change in techniques and design as suggested by the Central Water Research Station, Pune.

2016, The Hindu