The Madras High Court on Monday made it clear that no construction activities can be allowed in the areas declared as Coastal Regulation Zones. The First Bench of Chief Justice S.K. Kaul and Justice R. Mahadevan made the observation on a PIL petition moved by Anand J. Danani, a resident of Singapore who owns property in Muttukadu. He sought the court to direct the authorities concerned to restrain any person from undertaking any construction activity along the shoreline. When the PIL came up for hearing, the Bench directed the Local Planning Authority of Tirupporur to file a site plan of the Muttukadu area, setting out the different lands and the ownerships and as to what is permissible and impermissible in the Coastal Regulation Zone. According to petitioner, he was owning the property since1990 and was using the same for cultivating coconut trees. He had not carried out any construction activity and the entire land is accessible to the beach from the road. Claiming that some persons are putting up compound wall immediately abutting the shoreline by demarcating certain areas and had put up a sign board claiming that the road is held by a private person with necessary patta and thereby preventing access to other land owners, the petitioner made representations to the authorities on May 20 and August 30, 2015. Alleging that the authorities have failed to act upon his representations the petitioner has moved the PIL.During the course of hearing, the State Coastal Zone Management Authority and Director of Environment stated that as per the approved plan, the site mentioned in Muttukadu is within the CRZ-III falling within 200 meters from the high tide level.
2016, The Hindu