A total of 42 fishermen hailing from Tamil Nadu were released from the prisons in Sri Lanka and are expected to reach home in about four days, said fishermen association leader P. Jesu Raja on November 13.
Ramanathapuram fishermen end their hunger strike. In three different incidents in October, the Sri Lankan Navy personnel had arrested 64 fishermen and impounded 10 of their mechanised boats on charges of poaching. The incident had drawn protest from fishermen associations, who had undertaken an indefinite strike from October 14. The strike was withdrawn within a week following assurances of intervention from the central and state governments.
A delegation of fishermen leaders including Mr. Raja led by DMK MP T.R. Baalu had then gone to New Delhi and the Union Minister of External Affairs had assured them of steps to ensure the release of the detained fishermen.
Meanwhile, on November 9, a court in Sri Lanka ordered the release of 42 fishermen. Mr. Raja said the next court hearing was expected on November 15 and he hoped the remaining 24 fishermen would also get relief. However, Mr. Raja said the court had not ordered the release of their boats. Meanwhile, fishermen from Rameswaram, Thangachimadam, Mandapam and Dhanushkodi ventured into the sea for fishing on Monday, the first day after Deepavali.