Two of pop’s biggest disruptors, Bjork and Rosalia, have teamed up to fight industrial fish farms in Iceland, with a duet, “Oral”, to be released on Nov 9.

Proceeds from the song will help cover the legal costs of those fighting the farms, the Icelandic star’s French team told AFP on Monday as they confirmed the release date.

“Iceland has the biggest untouched nature in Europe… When Iceland and Norwegian businessmen started buying up fish farms in the majority of our fjords, it was a big shock,” Bjork said in a statement when she first teased the song earlier this month.

She added that there were “almost no regulations stopping them” and claimed the fish lived in “horrid health conditions” and that escaped fish risked changing the DNA of Icelandic salmon.

She and Rosalia, Spain’s biggest breakout popstar of recent years, are supporting one particular protest at the Seyoisfjorour fjord that they hope will set a precedent.

Bjork has long championed environmental causes, including a message from climate activist Greta Thunberg in recent shows and joining a protest against whale hunting earlier this year.