Tighter and stricter penalties will be imposed by the United Arab Emirates Ministry of Environment and Water against those caught violating the country’s fisheries laws and regulations.

Sultan Abdullah Alwan Al Hebsi, Assistant Undersecretary of External Audit at the ministry, revealed that the ministry will submit its amendments on the provisions of Cabinet Resolution No 18 for 2012, which covers administrative sanctions, penalties and fines that regulate activities related to the fishing industry. The move comes as part of the ministry’s efforts to introduce tighter sanctions for those who violate the laws and impose a threat to fisheries resources and the marine environment.

Al Hebsi added, “The imposition of stricter penalties is the result of a number of stakeholder meetings that the ministry conducted. The research shows that local fishermen themselves have pointed out that the current penalties are insufficient as each fisherman can afford to pay these fines readily. The ministry remains steadfast in its efforts to protect local aquatic resources from overexploitation and environmentally damaging practices like the use of prohibited fishing gear and methods.

The ministry will also impose a fine of Dh5,000 on fishermen caught using nylon-type fishing nets or any kind of unauthorised nets. If the offence is repeated, the ministry has the right to suspend the issued boat licence for a period not exceeding six months and, after this period, can also decide on cancelling the licence entirely.

Al Nisr Publishing LLC 2014