Uganda Department of Meteorology (UDoM) in partnership with other players has unveiled a Mobile Weather Service that seeks to improve safety of fishermen on Lake Victoria.

The project that draws from a combination of mobile technology, weather forecasting and local know-how aims at providing localized weather alert service to 84 fishing villages on Lake Victoria.

With the service, World Metrological Organization (WMO) in partnership with MTN, UDoM and the National Lake Rescue Institute (NRLI) have made possible the delivery of daily weather forecasts and well-timed warnings in local languages.

Mr Michael Nkalubo Commissioner UDoM said the service will enable fishermen in Kalangala district make effective decisions on daily activities.

“The Lake’s unique weather dynamics including strong winds, high occurrence of hailstorms and thunderstorms have led to significant loss of lives and property and threaten the safety of marine and air navigation over the lake and its basin and therefore the initiative will enable them determine when and where to fish on the lake,” Nkalubo explained.

According to statistics, an estimated 5000 people lose their lives through drowning due to lack of life saving equipment is not easily available. The service still in its pilot phase is being tested by over 1000 fishermen and will then be unleashed to the entire Lake Victoria community in the next three months.

Anthony Katamba GM Legal and Corporate Affairs MTN said the boats powered by paddling or small engines are often over loaded and have inadequate safety and security equipment which makes the early warnings an effective tool to save lives of fisher men.

“Accurate and timely weather and climatic information is a critical part of early warning systems that enable communities prepare for weather related disasters or adapt to climate change,” Katamba explained.

Uganda’s minister for water and environment Maria Mutagamba commended the project for its role in enhancing the security of livelihoods in and around Lake Victoria.

“Ultimately the project plays a crucial role in saving lives of farmers and fishermen by improving and strengthening the observations, modeling, forecasting and outreach to users,” Mutagamba said.

The pilot involves 19 fisher men community representatives in basic understanding of forecasts and how to respond to various alerts. a mobile phone based survey conducted by Grameen Foundation AppLab Uganda have indicated that 200 fisher men using Mobile Alert Service reported the service being important with 96% admitting improvement in the safety of their lives.

2012 AllAfrica