The National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisation (NFFO) has backed the Government’s plan to introduce new marine conservation zones (MCZs) in UK waters, but warns that a rushed process will do more harm than good.

The NFFO’s warning comes as environmentalists prepare to gather in London on 25 February to push the Government to rush ahead with the immediate introduction of 127 MCZ sites.

According to Paul Trebilcock, chairman of the NFFO, the sites need to be carefully planned, managed scientifically and phased in to avoid the displacing of fishermen from their customary grounds. The NFFO also believes that the rushed implementation of the sites could also lead to displacement to more pristine or vulnerable habitats and displacement to less productive areas where a greater amount of effort is needed to catch equivalent quantities.

Mr Trebilcock said: “The advisory panel made the right decision but we are very concerned that some nature conservation groups are lobbying for full implementation of all 127 sites, regardless of scientific evidence or the socio-economic impact.

He added: “So far the environmental community has refused to address the fact that displaced fishing activity is a critical issue that must be managed very carefully. We have offered the environmental NGOs the opportunity to meet to discuss all aspects of the MCZ issue.

Mercator Media Ltd 2013