Nene Nartey Adiman V, Chief Fisherman of Old Ningo, has called on the Ghana Navy to arrest unprincipled fishermen who uses dynamite and light-fishing along the coast of Ningo.

He said the practice was affecting their fishing and livelihoods as well as their health and the sooner government intervenes to halt such acts the better for them to be able to cater for their families.

Nene Adiman made the appeal when the executives of the Greater Ningo Youth Association, led by the Chairman, Mr Ebenezer Amanor called on the fishermen to know their concerns at Old Ningo in the Greater Accra Region.

He said the blast of dynamite in fishing destroys the plants in the sea which the fishes fed on making them to move to far locations and thereby depriving the canoe fishermen in the area of their livelihood.

“Our use of fuel and toil become wasted due to the activities of these unscrupulous fishing vessels that ply our coastal line and we are sincerely calling on the government and the Navy to halt their destructive behavior, he said.

The fishermen further appealed to the government to support them with fishing gears such outboard motors, nets and the regular supply of the pre-mixed fuel to facilitate their businesses.

They expressed unhappiness with some media publications which often cite Prampram as the owners of the land for the proposed new international airport instead of using Old Ningo and cautioned them end their habit.

“If they (media houses) continue with such acts we will not hesitate in taking legal action against them, the fishermen warned.

Mr Amanor asked the people to unite to become a formidable force to support the fight for a separate district for Greater Ningo, saying “if we do not come together to insist on our share of the national cake we will live to regret in future.

Mr Stephen Nartey, an opinion leader of Old Ningo, said the new airport to be built in the area has been in the plans of successive government and has been earmarked to begin in 2015.

But due to its importance, he said, the current government it has started the initiative so as to open up the place and help generate some revenue for development.

2009 Ghana Business News