The Government of West Bengal has introduced the Samudra Sathi Scheme 2024, a welfare initiative aimed at providing financial assistance to fishermen during the annual fishing ban. This scheme was announced as part of the 2024 state budget by Finance Minister Smt. Chandrima Bhattacharya.

Financial Relief for Fishermen

Under the Samudra Sathi Scheme, each eligible fisherman will receive ₹5,000 per month for two months, totaling ₹10,000. This financial support is crucial during the fishing ban period, ensuring that fishermen and their families can maintain their livelihood without financial hardship.

Eligibility Criteria

To benefit from the West Bengal Samudra Sathi Scheme 2024, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Permanent resident of West Bengal
  • Registered fisherman
  • Residing in East Midnapore, North 24-Parganas, or South 24-Parganas

How to Apply for Samudra Sathi Scheme 2024

Eligible fishermen can apply for the Samudra Sathi Scheme online. Here is a step-by-step guide to the application process:

  1. Visit the Official Website: Go to
    Locate the Application Link: On the homepage, find and click on the “Apply Here” option for the Samudra Sathi Scheme.
  2. Fill Out the Application Form: Enter your name, address, date of birth, and other required details.
  3. Upload Necessary Documents: Provide the necessary documents, including Aadhar card, passport-size photo, bank account details, mobile number, fisherman registration proof, and domicile certificate.
  4. Review and Submit: Double-check all information for accuracy and submit the form.
  5. Save Confirmation: Take a screenshot of the submission page for future reference.

Required Documents

Applicants need to submit the following documents during the application process:

  • Aadhar card
  • Passport-size photo
  • Bank account details
  • Mobile number
  • Fisherman registration proof
  • Domicile or residential certificate