As a way of demonstrating support for President Koroma’s Agenda for Prosperity, especially to transform the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, the World Bank on Monday 30th July 2012 donated seven pick-up vehicles to the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources.

The handing over ceremony which was attended by the Minister and Deputy Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, World Bank’s Country Representative, members of staff of the ministry, Coordinator and staff of the West Africa Regional Fisheries Project in Sierra Leone, was held at the Car Park of the Youyi Building in Freetown where the vehicles were displayed.

The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Mr. Mani Koroma stated that, the donation of the vehicles is a clear manifestation of the World Bank’s support to President Koroma’s Agenda for Prosperity . He said Sierra Leone is the first country in the Sub-Region to declare Marine Protected Areas, for which credit should go to the proactive leadership of the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Dr. Soccoh Kabia.

The seven pick-up vehicles he went on, will go a long way in capacitating the ministry through extension services including organization of the affected communities into Community Management Associations (CMAs), Social Marketing for MPAs, management of fish landing facilities and incentive for change scheme where illegal fishing nets will be replaced by legal ones.

Mr. Koroma further noted that the vehicles will serve the MPAs in the various coastal districts, especially those in the Yawri Bay in the Moyamba District and Western Area, Sierra Leone River Estuary in the Port Loko District and Western Area, the Scarcies River Estuary in the Kambia District and the Sherbro River Estuary in the Bonthe District respectively.

The Permanent Secretary expressed thanks and appreciation to the World Bank and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) for providing the funds through the West Africa Regional Fisheries Project in Sierra Leone. He said the vehicles will be distributed judiciously to cover the entire MPA communities and to enhance mobility of the ministry in the implementation of the governance component of the project.

The Minister of Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Dr. Soccoh Kabia, thanked the World Bank for the gesture whilst assuring them that the vehicles would be used judiciously. He said the donation marks the beginning of the process of transformation in the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, as contained in the President’s Agenda for Prosperity .

The minister further maintained that the vehicles would be used to help the ministry staff in the area of mobility and would also be used to help combat illegal fishing, through the monitoring of fishing communities across the country. Minister Kabia admonished the beneficiaries especially those in the provinces to maintain the condition of the vehicles and ensure they are used for their intended purposes.

2005 – 2010, Awareness Times Sierra Leone