Statement on Agenda Item 8: Progress on the Preparation of Targets and Updating of National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans by Parties in line with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework by CBD Women at the COP 16 / CP-MOP 11 / NP-MOP 5,

I am speaking on behalf of the CBD Women’s Caucus, here from the very back of the room.

We acknowledge the progress made by some Parties in aligning their national biodiversity targets with the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). And we welcome the apparent initial trend, mentioned in the report of national targets alignment, on recognizing the importance of a gender-responsive approach in the implementation of the GBF.

However, we also note that further work is required urgently.

We stress the importance of ensuring that NBSAPs are reviewed and updated in alignment with COP15 decision 11 on the Gender Plan of Action.

There is an urgent need for bold action to ensure women’s rights to land are reflected in legal titling, and to natural resources, including to coastal and marine resources.

There should be specific targets addressing women and girls full, equitable, meaningful, and informed participation in biodiversity action, and policy and decision making. This participation should be rooted in capacity development and resource allocation as stipulated in the Gender Plan of Action.

It is critical that women’s contributions, particularly those related to biodiversity conservation and sustainable use, including regarding genetic resources, are not only recognised, but integrated into national policies.

Embedding gender-responsive measures in NBSAPs is not only essential for ensuring inclusivity but also for addressing the specific needs and contributions of women and girls, including in the focus areas mentioned before.

We call for national mechanisms for planning, monitoring, reporting and reviewing that systematically incorporate gender-responsive approaches to measure the progress of the GBF’s implementation at national and local levels.

This should include the collection of at least sex and gender disaggregated data. Adequate and predictable funding must also be allocated to support these initiatives.

In this regard, we propose the following additions to the document CBD/SBI/5/2,

  • Add a new paragraph “4.bis: Urges Parties to align their national targets with the Goals, Targets, and cross-cutting considerations of the Framework, including Target 23 on gender equality and participation”.
  • In paragraph 8 to make additions to read as follows: “Urges Parties to implement their national biodiversity strategies and action plans, including their national targets, taking into account the considerations for the implementation of the Framework, in particular regarding the rights-based and the gender-responsiveness approaches”.
  • Add a new paragraph “8.bis: Urges Parties to use the guidance provided in Decision 15/11, the Gender Plan of Action, to ensure gender-responsive NBSAPs and the implementation of the GBF”.

Delegates, back in COP15 you agreed to ensure gender equality in biodiversity action.

We would like to ask the Chair to ask Parties to support these important inclusions.

The statement is available at: