The latest edition of Yemaya, the unique newsletter on gender and fisheries from the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF), has just been released.

Yemaya No. 39, dated March 2012, features a range of articles and write-ups from several countries in Asia, Africa and South America.

The editorial in the current issue of Yemaya focuses on the International
Women’s Day (IWD), whose theme this year is “Empower Rural Women End Hunger and Poverty.

“Women make up nearly half the labour force in both agriculture and small-scale ?sheries, globally, and more than half the labour force in inland ?sheries”, the editorial notes.

An article from the US talks of how the Passamaquoddy tribe in Maine is exercising its sovereignty on the sea.

From South Africa comes a report on how fisherwomen are emerging as strong leaders to face the challenges of fishing rights allocation.

The growing resource scarcity in India’s Pulicat Lake region is not only putting a strain on the traditional system of ?sheries management but also raising vital questions about gender equity in the community, according to another article.

From Chile comes a piece on how the indigenous fisherpeoples are struggling to protect their livelihoods.

The current issue of Yemaya also features profiles, interviews and reviews, as well as excerpts from the Statement of women’s groups to the United Nations Commission on the
Status of Women (CSW).

The current issue of Yemay can be downloaded at

2012, ICSF