Stakeholders were invited to contribute inputs to the concept papers of the Ocean Action Panels of the Conference through a global online stakeholder consultation which was held from 26 July to 30 August 2024. Information about the global consultation was broadly disseminated through mailing lists, UN official websites, social media channels and a dedicated webpage.

Stakeholders were invited to provide inputs on the substantive contributions to the Ocean Action Panels considering status and trends, challenges and opportunities, possible areas for new partnerships as well as recommendations on advancing implementation of SDG 14.

Stakeholders, including non-governmental  organizations, civil society organizations, academic institutions, the scientific community, the private sector, philanthropic organizations and other actors were all invited to provide inputs on each of the ten themes of the Ocean Action Panels of the 2025 United Nations Ocean Conference, as listed below:

  1. Conserving, sustainably managing and restoring marine and coastal ecosystems including deep-sea ecosystems.
  2. Increasing ocean-related scientific cooperation, knowledge, capacity building, marine technology and education to strengthen the science-policy interface for ocean health.
  3. Mobilizing finance for ocean actions in the support of SDG14.
  4. Preventing and significantly reducing marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities.
  5. Fostering sustainable fisheries management including supporting small-scale fishers.
  6. Advancing sustainable ocean-based economies, sustainable maritime transport and coastal community resilience leaving no one behind
  7. Leveraging ocean, climate and biodiversity interlinkages.
  8. Promoting and supporting all forms of cooperation, especially at the regional and subregional level.
  9. Promoting the role of sustainable food from the ocean for poverty eradication and food security.
  10. Enhancing the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources by implementing international law as reflected in the UNCLOS.
