This Sourcebook contains the context, framework, concepts and principles of municipal fisheries in the Philippines. It looks into the current state of our fisheries, and look back to the past for understanding on how we got here. Fisheries science is explored for clues on why fisheries are the way they are and how they would be in an ideal world. Philippine policy is examined and the case for a change is made in the country’s current exploitation policies and patterns toward more sustainable practices. The social and political landscape are surveyed and the strengthening of fisheries management capacities at all levels of government and society is encouraged. This Sourcebook contains information drawn from past experience in coastal and fisheries resource management in the Philippines, particularly experiences and lessons from the FISH Project and another USAID-supported project, the Coastal Resource Management Project (CRMP) of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). Additional sources include documents from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (UN-FAO), San Miguel Bay Project (ICLARM [WorldFish Center]), Visayan Sea Project (Deutsche Gesselschaft für Technische Zussamenarbeit [GTZ]), Fishery Sector Program 1 and 2 (Asian Development Bank [ADB]), and Fisheries Resources Management Project (ADB).