Maharashtra is second most populous state in India with 720 km of long coastline. It has six coastal districts namely Palghar, Thane, Mumbai, Raigad, Ratnagiri and Sindhudurga with 456 marine fishing villages. According to marine fisheries census of 2010 majority of mechanised crafts owned by fishers in the state are dolnetters (47%) and gillnetters (32%) contributing totally 79% and trawlers (12%). Greater Mumbai and Ratnagiri districts have major number of commercial ports; industries also contribute 87 % of trawlers in the state which engage in multiday fishing. Maharashtra also has largest number of women fishworkers operating in a country. Women fishworkers are traditionally involved to some extent in preharvest and majorly in post harvest operations.

Author: Shuddhawati Peke, ICSF
Year: 2014