The goals of the National Workshop on Micro-enterprise Development in Coastal Communities in the Philippines were to exchange experiences and good practices and to identify financial and institutional support services and facilities to sustain livelihoods and micro-enterprise development in coastal areas. The discussions at the workshop showed that livelihood diversification and the improvement of income and employment opportunities in coastal fishing communities are crucial for their participation in the conservation and management of aquatic resources. Key elements of sustainable micro-enterprise development as identified by the workshop include capability building of fisherfolk organizations such as cooperatives and associations to implement livelihood projects, the preparation of feasibility studies and business plans, technical skills development, sound financial management practices, development of innovative and high quality products, access to new markets including urban and regional markets and the full participation of fisherfolk in the identification of livelihood activities and micro-enterprises. Good coordination with local government units, active participation of all stakeholders and conduct of appropriate training programmes are considered essential for the sustainability of the micro-enterprises. The involvement of fisherfolk in livelihood activities and micro-enterprises is strengthening their participation in the fisheries and aquatic resources management councils of Banate Bay and Southern Iloilo. The experiences of the pilot project also suggest that in order to make various income generating livelihood initiatives sustainable and stand on their own feet, many of these need to develop further into full-fledged micro-enterprises.