Nations across the globe are now committed to minimize the effects of natural disasters on communities with the ultimate goal of keeping hazards from becoming disasters. There is a gradual but slow acceptance of the need to reduce the overemphasis on relief and reconstruction and have an increasing focus on prevention, preparedness, early response and mitigation. Involvement and participation of the local communities in disaster reduction programmes receives the highest priority as they are affected by a disaster and are also the first responders. Community based disaster management covers a broad range of interventions, that includes measures, activities, projects, and necessary policy changes that focuses on disaster risk reduction that is designed by the communities at risk and is based on their needs and capacities. Community based organisations, groups, volunteers; people’s representatives at the village /GP level are the key to mobilize their communities. The results of community based approaches to disaster mitigation are vulnerability reduction solutions which are more relevant and in tune with what people need and want.