A rapid survey of the women fish sellers at the ‘All Women Market of Manipur; was conducted during the month of January 20113. The study revealed some interesting and unique pursuits of women of Manipur. In Manipur, women play an important role not only in fish business but also in every aspect of life. Selling of commodities is women’s business. Three are about 302 fresh fish vendors but the numbers fluctuate from time to time as they sell according to demand and situation. If needed, they resort to selling smoked fish. However, some of them stick to their main business of selling only fresh, dry or other forms of treated fish, even if the situation demands otherwise. Unlike other parts of India, they do not share the hierarchic traditions in which women are seen as dependent and accepted in supportive role to men. In addition, the current political unrest and insurgency problems have displaced many of the males from productive activities