In this report, each sector is analysed with reference to relevant background issues at state and national levels, key issues and concerns are identified and current and potential responses at state level indicated. For each sector, a table is also provided summarising the climate change context, the necessary responses and the state level institutions which will be involved.
Two sets of sectors are reviewed in different sections: those which relate closely to energy issues and those where the major issues arise from climate change impacts and adaptation. Energy sectors are; industry, energy, transport, mining, infrastructure, and urban. Sectors where actions will be dominated with adaptation to the serious impacts of climate change are: water, forestry, agriculture, animal husbandry, coasts, fisheries, health and social vulnerability. Obviously most sectors involve both dimensions, for example, opportunities exist to utilise the carbon sequestration function of trees and soils in forestry and agriculture, and critical industry and power infrastructure may be vulnerable to more intense and extreme weather events in the coastal zone. The report recommends that developing integrated strategies for these cross cutting issues will need to be considered further in the next stage and suggests key dimensions.