This web dossier compiles selected articles from Yemaya, the gender and fisheries newsletter from ICSF initiated in 1999. These articles are organized by region—Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe, Pacific Islands and North America—and they provide a broad overview of the key issues women are facing in the fisheries sector in each region. Women of fishing communities across the world play vital roles in fisheries and in sustaining their households, communities, social networks and cultures, roles that often remain unacknowledged and undervalued. The most recurrent issue underlying the articles is the struggle for recognition of fisherwomen’s work. Other issues covered include access to essential livelihood and fishing resources; displacement due to developmental processes; labour issues such as poor conditions of work in fish processing plants; job insecurity and layoff; lack of social security coverage and gender-based disparity in wages; degradation of coastal, natural resources and impact on health. Finally, a significant number of articles are about women organizing and establishing solidarity networks to defend their own and community interests at national and regional levels.