Kampong Phluk is a small fishing community on the eastern side of the Lake Tonle Sap. Fishing has been the important source of livelihoods for many generations and it is primary occupation of people living in this community. This study was to understand the fisheries and the impacts on women. “Wealth ranking” of households from each village was done. Among three villages—Thnoat Kambot, Kok Kdol and Dei Kroham, Thnoat Kambot was selected for further study of the women engagement in fisheries. The conclusion of this study is that the decline in household fish catch has put the burden on women than anybody else. While fish catch is decline, the fisher woman or fisherman find fewer alternatives for their living and they do not really know what to do to cope with this situation. The burden is higher on the women. The recommendations are: Empowering woman needs to be continued, but the empowerment should not go alone; it means that advocacy to protect the rights of fisher woman or fisherman
needs to a long with the livelihood support projects as fisher woman or man has been facing the decline in fisheries; Organizing a fisher woman network in the country level so that the fish woman could make their voice heard. At community level, woman group such as saving group could acts as a tool to mobilize woman participation in fisheries management as woman is good in fish trade. By saving group, it provides opportunity for fisher woman to act together to protect their rights.