NEW ZEALAND The other story …………………………………… 4 New Zealand’s experience with individual transferable quotas (ITQs)…
Comment Guiding Small-scale Fisheries A set of international voluntary guidelines is being planned to address…
New Zealand : ITQs The Other Story New Zealand’s experience with individual transferable quotas (ITQs)…
Atlantic Canada : AQUACULTURE Open Nets, Closed Lives Open-net finfish farming in Atlantic Canada is…
Analysis : SMALL-SCALE FISHERIES The Trickle-down Catch Broad governance issues hamper the sustainable management of…
Norway : SOCIOLOGY Roots and Wings The need for community in the age of globalization…
Chile : SALMON Not So Rosy The massive expansion of intensive industrial salmon aquaculture…
Response : FISHERIES POLICY A Giant Leap This is a response to an article on…
Report : FAO-OECD MEET Green, Blue and Right The FAO-OECD Expert Meeting on Greening the…
Analysis : CFP REFORM Maria vs Elinor The approach of EU Fisheries Commissioner Maria Damanaki…
Report : SMALL-SCALE FISHERIES A Bottom-up, Pro-fisher Policy A recent workshop and symposium in Kolkata,…
ROUNDUP News, events, briefings and more… ASIAN AQUACULTURE MEET Meeting the global demand for aquatic…
Fishermen the fishermen are patient their lines settle in clear water their wide-brimmed hats will…
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