Notice : SAMUDRA publications

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ICSF has recently published a set of useful reports and documents on women in fisheries, and coastal area management


Public Hearing on the Struggles of Women Workers in the Fish Processing Industry in India (Women in Fisheries Series No. 1), 50 pp. US$ 10+postage.

This dossier puts together documents relating to a unique Public Hearing, held at Cochin, India, in June 1995, on the problems faced by migrant women workers in India’s fish processing industry. Apart from a comprehensive report on the conditions of migrant women processing workers employed by the seafood processing industry, this dossier includes transcripts of oral testimonies of some of the women workers, and the verdict of the jury.

Women First: Report of the Women in Fisheries Programme of the ICSF in India, Volume I (Women in Fisheries Series No. 2), 120 pp. US$ 20+postage.

Women of fishing communities in India have always been involved in fishery-related activities. However, little data or information exists about their role in fisheries. Their work remains largely invisible, especially to policymakers. The first part of this dossier contains details of women’s involvement in fisheries in each of the nine maritime States of India. It travels through the diverse ecological zones and different fisheries along mainland India’s 6,000 km coastline, and provides information on the various niches women occupy in the fisheries. The articles in the second part offer a more analytical understanding of the problems of women in fishing communities and their efforts at organizing.

Women for Sustainable Fisheries: Report of the First Phase of the Women in Fisheries Programme of ICSF (Women in Fisheries Series No. 3), 69 pp, US$ 15+postage.

The Women in Fisheries Programme of ICSF, initiated in 1992-93, aims at strengthening the participation of women ‘in fishworkers’ organizations and in decision making at various levels. This dossier, on the first phase of the programme, draws on the experiences of seven countries, of both the North and the South, to arrive at a greater understanding of gender relations in fisheries. It suggests alternative development strategies for sustainable fisheries, from a feminist perspective.

Globalization, Gender and Fisheries: Report of the Senegal Workshop on Gender Perspectives in Fisheries (Women in Fisheries Series No. 4), 54 pp, US$ 10+postage.

This dossier contains the report of the workshop on gender perspectives in fisheries organized by ICSF in Rufisque, Senegal, in June 1996, in which 33 participants from 12 countries participated. Based on the workshop, this dossier tries to develop a global analysis of the fisheries crisis and its impact on gender relations within coastal communities. Also discussed are the responses of women of fishing communities to the crisis.


South Asia Workshop and Symposium on Fisheries and Coastal Area Management: Proceedings, 143 pp. US$ 25+postage

For fishworkers, the degradation of coastal areas and habitats, vital for fishery resources, is a matter of great concern.

This publication reports on the proceedings of the South Asia Workshop and Symposium on Fisheries and Coastal Area Management, which brought together 42 participants, including representatives of fishworker organizations, NGOs and policymakers, from Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India and Maldives. The workshop emphasized the need for an inter-sectoral approach to coastal area management.

Coastal Area Management in South Asia: A Comparative Perspective, by Chandrika Sharma, 34 pp (free with the above publication)

This background paper was prepared for the South Asia Workshop and Symposium on Fisheries and Coastal Area Management- Among other things, it explores threats to the coastal environment in South Asian countries. It discusses coastal area management initiatives in this region, from the perspective of the fishery sector. Also dealt with is legislation of direct relevance to coastal area management.

How to order:

For orders below US$ 100, payment should be sent through a banknote in favour of the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers. Bank details are as follows:

Account No: CIAPA-ICSF 310-067 4809-66

Bank of Brussels-Lambert (BBL)

Agence “Bourse

Rue Henry Maus 9, B 1000 Brussels


For orders above US$ 100, payment can also be sent by cheque drawn in favour of the International Collective in Support of fishworkers. This can be sent to the following address:

International Collective in Support of Fishworkers

65 Rue Grétry

8-1000 Brussels


SAMUDRA publications are edited, designed and published by the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers, 27 College Road, Chennai 600 006, India