That exclusive areas be established for artisanal fishing, as a way to guarantee the reproduction of species and the restoration of fish stocks.
That the organization of artisanal fishermen, together with universities and government technical agents, regulate the use of these areas, and that they be managed by organizations of fishermen.
That fishing seasons prohibitions for certain species be determined at the local and regional level on the basis of studies, with the participation of artisanal fishermen; that alternative activities be established for the oft-season by new technicians, and that unemployment insurance be provided.
That access to Navy land be guaranteed and ceded to artisanal fishermen; that they be given reference in obtaining jurisdiction over those lands, recognizing their social interest for effects of expropriation and establishment of groups of fishermen, through legal measures that guarantee the collective use of those areas.
That a new fishery law be elaborated and environmental legislation reviewed, with special attention given to the state of the environment, fish species and artisanal fishermen.
That the current concept of areas of environmental protection be revised to allow artisanal fishermen to use natural resources (land and aquatic), guaranteeing their historic right to remain in their traditional areas.
That monitoring mechanisms effectively prevent the invasion of industrial fishing in our artisanal fishing areas, thus avoiding destruction of the environment and our work implements.
In the face of innumerable problems (industrial pollution, land clearing, oil spills, among others it was proposed that:
That organizations of fishermen, along with other worker organizations, develop their own instruments and mechanisms to receive compensation from the government for the damage caused to the environment by companies that pollute, through:
elimination of the source of pollution
cleaning up the affected area.
Social movements can:
o demand that the government enforce legislation
o file suit on behalf of those affected by pollution;
o when sources of pollution are installed, that organizations participate in the struggle to pre vent or at least diminish the environmental impact;
That MONAPE develop channels of constant communication with the national movement of those affected by dams, to search for common strategies for dealing with the social and environmental impact of damming rivers and lakes;
That MONAPE maintain communication with groups working against nuclear energy, with a view to protect the lives of artisanal fishermen in the areas of risk;
That MONAPE encourage environmental education for its members, recovering the culture and history of fishermen, the ways in which fishermen relate to their environment, and developing exchanges with other organizations connected with education, the popular movement and the environment.
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