Securing Small-scale Fisheries
The following document, adopted at a recent FAO workshop in San José, Costa Rica, proposed strategies for securing sustainable small-scale fisheries
These conclusions and recommendations were arrived at by participants of the workshop in San José, Costa Rica, held during 20-22 October 2010
At the FAO workshop on Securing Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries: Bringing Together Responsible Fisheries and Social Development (4SSF) in Bangkok, Thailand in October 2008, there was a call, inter alia, for an international instrument on small-scale fisheries, and for a dedicated global programme on small-scale fisheries under the purview of FAO which would be guided by COFI. These calls were reiterated by the 28th Session of the FAO’s Committee on Fisheries, held in Rome, Italy in March 2009.
In this context, the Regional workshop for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), held in San José, Costa Rica from 20 to 22 October 2010 recognized that:
The LAC workshop recommended that a small-scale fisheries international instrument and assistance programme should:
Three concurrent working groups discussed these three topicsgovernance, EAF and DRM/CCAand arrived at a number of conclusions and recommendations for the rights, principles and thematic areas that the instrument and assistance programme should refer to;
Recognition of the rights of small-scale fishing communities relating, in particular, to the following:
Adherence to the following principles and practices:
An international instrument would include the following thematic elements.
Preface: The instrument should be informed by existing relevant instruments such as the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and the international voluntary guidelines that are being developed under the auspices of FAO on land tenure and natural resources. There is a continuing need to promote the Code in small-scale fisheries.
The proposed instrument should focus on:
Fisheries management, including aspects relating to access regimes; co-management and community-based management; management institutions such as management councils; habitat protection; protection of juveniles and spawning stocks; promotion of environmentally friendly fishing gear; MPAs that guarantee the participation of small-scale fisheries; management of shared fishery resources and water bodies, including combating transboundary water pollution; combating of IUU fishing by promoting integrated enforcement between governments, fishing industry and small-scale fisheries.
Building the resilience and adaptive capacity of fishing communities (including in relation to DRM and CCA).
Promotion of trade of products from small-scale fisheries, ensuring greater benefits to them
Capacity building by strengthening and empowering fishers’ organizations and associations through free, continuing training
Conflict resolution in fishing communities
Generation of complementary and alternative livelihoods for small-scale fishers such as community tourism, agriculture, aquaculture and other small business opportunities
Promotion of gender equality in small-scale fisheries
Social benefits such as social security, retirement benefits, maternity benefits and unemployment insurance during closed seasons
Integration of science with traditional knowledge, including ecological knowledge
Government responsibility to clean inland waters from pollution, and regulation of the use of pesticides in agriculture to combat water pollution
Combating crimes against fishers, including piracy and theft
Eliminating subsidies for unsustainable fisheries and other unsustainable activities
Promoting and supporting networks of communities and organizations that promote sustainable small-scale fisheries.
Priority Action 1
Generation of ecological, socioeconomic and institutional baselines within the region, for the development of EAF.
Priority Action 2
Identify and start dialogue with other sectors that are concomitant users of ecological services and natural resources of ecosystems where small-scale fisheries thrive, for a multi-sector approach to EAF.
Priority Action 3
Develop a comparative analysis of EAF-based SSF management models both within the region and outside the region, whose success examples can be replicated in other countries.
Priority Action 4
Incorporate local traditional uses and knowledge into national management policies for SSF.
Priority Action 5
Incorporate scientifically based policy instruments to eradicate the use of harmful fishing gear and methods that affect fish resources in small-scale fisheries.
Priority Action 1
Ensure that DRM and CCA policies and institutional frameworks are in place for small-scale fisheries.
Priority Action 2
Identify, assess and monitor disaster and climate change risks affecting small-scale fisheries and enhance early warning systems.
Priority Action 3
Use knowledge, innovation and education to build a culture of safety and resilience within artisanal fishing communities as well as at local and national levels.
Priority Action 4
Reduce underlying risk factors related to small-scale fisheries
Priority Action 5
Strengthen DRM and CCA for effective response within the small-scale fisheries sector
The Global Programme on Small-scale Fisheries that many members of COFI recommended FAO to develop should be informed by the principles and elements recommended by this and the other regional workshops. Other assistance programmes in support of small-scale fisheries at national, regional and international levels should equally take account of these conclusions and recommendations.
For More
FAO Global Conference on Small-scale Fisheries
Committee on Fisheries (COFI)