
The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers


On the day after the International Conference at Bangkok (seep.4), the members of the ICSF met for two days for its Third General Body Meeting, during which an evaluation was presented of the first three years of its activity and to define future programmes for the following three years.

Four main areas of activity were identified. These key areas will constitute the main fields of activity of the ICSF till 1993.

• Monitoring and Research

Continuation of the previous activities. The main point will be research on the impact of aquaculture.

• Training and Exchanges

The focus will be on the exchange between fishworkers from the industrial and the artisanal sector, and the training of representatives of fishworkers organisations.

• Actions and Campaigns

At the request of their organisation, the ICSF will support fishworkers in difficulty.

• Communications

Expansion of the SAMUDRA publication and its translation in local languages.

While consolidating its work in the other continents, the Collective has decided that one geographic area of new emphasis should be the Pacific and previous contacts from that region (prior to the 1984 Rome Conference) should be reestablished.

Finally, the General Body proceeded with the election of anew Animation Team in charge of implementing the four programmes put forward by the General Body. The members originate from the four continents:

Nenita CURA (The Philippines), Amporn SUGANDHAVANIJ (Thailand), Aliou SALL (Senegal), Francisco GUTIERREZ (Columbia), Luis MORALES (Chile), John KURIEN (India), Pierre GILLET (Belgium). In its turn the Animation Team elected as coordinator John KURIEN, researcher at the Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum (India).

Address; Centre for Development Studies,
Trivandrum 695 011, INDIA.
Phone: (0471) 8881
Telex : 435 227 CDS IN.