


Get an annotated online bibliography on small-scale fisheries and fishing communities. Resources are classified under eight themes: Right to Resources, Gender in Fisheries and Aquaculture, Disasters and Climate Change, Decent Work, Fisheries Trade, Aquaculture, Biodiversity and SSF Guidelines

Women engage in a wide range of activities in fisheries, including paid and unpaid work and liaison with institutions. In several countries, women dominate inland fishing and aquaculture. Their play multiple roles – in seafood processing plants, as caregivers in the family, as the builders of social networks and community.

Gender issues focus not on women only but on their relationship with men, on their roles, rights and responsibilities. They acknowledge that these vary within and between cultures as well as by class, race, ethnicity, age and marital status.

The 2014 SSF Guidelines are based on the principle of gender equality and equity. They integrate gender issues into all small-scale fisheries development strategies.


Granek, E.F. and M.A. Brown. 2005. Co-Management Approach to Marine Conservation in Moheli, Comoros Islands. Conservation Biology 19: 1724–1732. DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2005.00301.x

Many developing countries experience habitat degradation and unsustainable natural resource exploitation, with biodiversity and habitat conservation efforts often impeded by political instability and limited funding. Challenges in previous conservation efforts...

COFAD GmbH2002. Back to Basics: Traditional Inland Fisheries Management and Enhancement Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa and their Potential for Development.

Inland fisheries are of particular reference in the context of food security and development in Africa. This study, which argues that a better acknowledgement of traditional resource management and enhancement...

FERRER, E.M. And C.M.C. NOZAWA. 1998. Community-Based Coastal Resources Management in the Philippines: Key Concepts, Methods and Lessons Learned. International Development Research Centre.

In the Philippines, coastal habitats are degraded and the resources therein depleted both directly (i.e. through destructive fishing practices) and indirectly by massive siltation from deforested upland areas and poor...

Robert S. Pomeroy, Brenda M. Katon, Ingvild Harkes. 2001. Marine Policy 25: 197–208

The purpose of this paper is to present results from the first five-year phase of a large fisheries co-management research project implemented by the International Center for Living Aquatic Resources...

Minh, Le Nguyet. 2008. Hanging in balance: benefit sharing in community-based fishery resource management in the Lower Mekong Basin. Local Environment 13: 437–448

Collective management of resources has enjoyed a remarkable rise to prominence across resource governance, but many questions remain. What benefits are created and who are the recipients? Are these benefits...

Hind, E.J., M.C. Hiponia, T.S. Gray. 2010. From community-based to centralised national management—A wrong turning for the governance of the marine protected area in Apo Island, Philippines? Marine Policy 3454–62

Before the mid-1990s, Apo Island, Philippines, was often described as one of the world’s best examples of community-based marine management. This paper studies the less-documented transition of the island during...

Njaya, Friday. 2007. Governance Challenges for the Implementation of Fisheries Co-Management: Experiences from Malawi. International Journal of the Commons. 2: 137-153

This paper reviews some key governance challenges that are experienced in the implementation of fisheries co-management programmes. Specific lessons are drawn from Malawi and, to some extent, from other southern...

Strehlow, Harry V. 2004, and Kurt J. Peters. Community Action to Protect Fishery Resources in Nha Phu Lagoon, Vietnam. Proceedings. Deutscher Tropentag (Annual Conference on Tropical and Subtropical Agricultural and Natural Resource Management (TROPENTAG))

Rural communities around Nha Phu Lagoon depend on coastal fishery resources for their livelihoods. The prevailing problem is that unorganized Vietnamese fishermen are watching helplessly at the vast degradation of...