


Get an annotated online bibliography on small-scale fisheries and fishing communities. Resources are classified under eight themes: Right to Resources, Gender in Fisheries and Aquaculture, Disasters and Climate Change, Decent Work, Fisheries Trade, Aquaculture, Biodiversity and SSF Guidelines

Women engage in a wide range of activities in fisheries, including paid and unpaid work and liaison with institutions. In several countries, women dominate inland fishing and aquaculture. Their play multiple roles – in seafood processing plants, as caregivers in the family, as the builders of social networks and community.

Gender issues focus not on women only but on their relationship with men, on their roles, rights and responsibilities. They acknowledge that these vary within and between cultures as well as by class, race, ethnicity, age and marital status.

The 2014 SSF Guidelines are based on the principle of gender equality and equity. They integrate gender issues into all small-scale fisheries development strategies.


Keskitalo, E. Carina H.; and Antonina A. Kulyasova. 2009. The role of governance in community adaptation to climate change. Polar Research (28): 60-70

The capacity to adapt to challenges such as climate change can be seen as largely determined by socioeconomic context or social vulnerability. This article examines the adaptive capacity of local...

Berkes, Fikret and Dyanna Jolly. 2001. Adapting to climate change: Social-ecological resilience in a Canadian Western Arctic Community. Conservation Ecology 5 (2): 18

This paper examines the questions of adaptation and change in terms of social-ecological resilience using lessons from a place-specific case study. The Inuvialuit people of the small community of Sachs...

Marshall,N.A; P.A.Marshall, J.Tamelander; D. Obura; D.Malleret-King and J.E.Cinner.2010. A framework for social adaptation to climate change: Sustaining tropical coastal communities and industries. Gland, Switzerland, IUCN. 36pp.

This book provides a framework for understanding the vulnerability of communities and marine based industries to climate change, both through direct effects and through impacts on ecosystem goods and services....

Agrawal, Arun. 2008. The role of local institutions in adaptation to climate change. Paper prepared for the Social Dimensions of Climate Change, Social Development Department, The World Bank, Washington DC, March 5-6, 2008.

This review focuses on the role of local institutions in adaptation to climate change. It does so under the belief that climate impacts will affect disadvantaged social groups more disproportionately,...

UNFCCC. 2007. Background paper on Impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in Asia. UNFCCC

The paper provides an overview of general social and environmental conditions in this region. It outlines the vulnerability of the Asian region to climate change, the current status of adaptation...

Practical Action. Promoting adaptation to climate change in Bangladesh

This paper outlines the principals of community based adaptation, and illustrates it further with examples from Practical Action’s experiences. The paper provides key messages for those responsible for addressing the...

Selby, Sarah and Courtenay Cabot Venton. 2009. Addressing the humanitaraian challenges of climate change: regional and national perspectives- case studies on climate change adaptation. Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Task Force on Climate Change

IASC practitioners have contributed a number of case studies, which showcase good practice in addressing the challenges of climate change. These are documented in this report. The 19 case studies...

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