


Get an annotated online bibliography on small-scale fisheries and fishing communities. Resources are classified under eight themes: Right to Resources, Gender in Fisheries and Aquaculture, Disasters and Climate Change, Decent Work, Fisheries Trade, Aquaculture, Biodiversity and SSF Guidelines

Women engage in a wide range of activities in fisheries, including paid and unpaid work and liaison with institutions. In several countries, women dominate inland fishing and aquaculture. Their play multiple roles – in seafood processing plants, as caregivers in the family, as the builders of social networks and community.

Gender issues focus not on women only but on their relationship with men, on their roles, rights and responsibilities. They acknowledge that these vary within and between cultures as well as by class, race, ethnicity, age and marital status.

The 2014 SSF Guidelines are based on the principle of gender equality and equity. They integrate gender issues into all small-scale fisheries development strategies.


Patrick C. 2004. Marine Protected Areas as Biological Successes and Social Failures in Southeast Asia. American Fisheries Society Symposium, Vol 42. 155-164pp.

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are of growing interest globally. They are principally studied from a biological perspective, with some cases documenting improved environmental conditions and increased fish yields. The MPAs...

Svein J, van Son T C and Bjorkan M. 2007. Marine Protected Areas: A Governance System Analysis. Human Ecology, Vol 35. 611-622pp.

Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are promoted as an important marine ecosystem management tool. However, they are complex systems that, from a governance perspective, raise serious challenges with regard to their...

Ostrom E, Burger J, Field C B, Norgaard R B and Policansky D. 1999. Revisiting the Commons: Local Lessons, Global Challenges. Science, Vol 284. 278-282pp.

In a seminal paper, Garrett Hardin argued in 1968 that users of a commons are caught in an inevitable process that leads to the destruction of the resources on which...

Sylvie G and Alder J. 2007. Lessons from Marine Protected Areas and Integrated Ocean Management Initiatives in Canada. Coastal Management Vol 35. 51-78pp.

There is a wave of interest in Marine Protected Areas (MPA) and Integrated Management (IM) as tools for addressing declines in marine environments through ecosystem-based management. Lessons learned from seven...

Pollack G; Berghofer A and Berghofer U. 2007. Fishing for Social Realities-Challenges to Sustainable Fisheries Management in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve. Marine Policy (In Press).

Social-ecological complexity challenges conservation-oriented interventions even in settings with a small number of actors and conflicts involved. This article examines the development and trajectory of King and Snow Crab fisheries...

Pinto da Silva P. 2004. From Common Property to Co-management: Lessons from Brazil’s First Maritime Extractive Reserve. Marine Policy, Vol 28. 419-428pp.

Marine extractive reserves (MER) are being established in coastal areas of Brazil to protect ‘traditional’ coastal populations and the marine resources upon which their livelihoods depend. This paper examines the...

Pinto da Silva P. 2004. From Common Property to Co-management: Lessons from Brazil’s First Maritime Extractive Reserve. Marine Policy, Vol 28. 419-428pp.

Marine extractive reserves (MER) are being established in coastal areas of Brazil to protect ‘traditional’ coastal populations and the marine resources upon which their livelihoods depend. This paper examines the...

Pollnac R B, Crawford B R and Gorospe M L G. 2001. Discovering Factors that Influence the Success of Community-based Marine Protected Areas in the Visayas, Philippines. Oceans and Coastal Management, Vol 44. 638-710pp.

The study conducted in 45 community based MPAs in Philippines, identifies several factors that contributes towards their success such as population size of the community, perceived crisis in terms of...

Cinner J E and Pollnac R B. 2004. Poverty, Perceptions and Planning: Why Socioeconomics Matter in the Management of Mexican Reefs. Oceans and Coastal Management, Vol 47. 479-493pp.

This paper examines relationships between socioeconomic factors and perceptions of coastal resources in Mahahual, Mexico. Residents provide open-ended comments to questions regarding coral reefs and fisheries. Socioeconomic characteristics are examined...

Christie P and White A T. 2007. Best Practices for Improved Governance of Coral Reef Marine Protected Areas. Coral Reefs, Vol 26, Issue 4. 1047–1056pp.

Coral reef marine protected areas (MPA) are widely distributed around the globe for social and ecological reasons. Relatively few of these MPAs are well managed. This review examines the governance...

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