Get an annotated online bibliography on small-scale fisheries and fishing communities. Resources are classified under eight themes: Right to Resources, Gender in Fisheries and Aquaculture, Disasters and Climate Change, Decent Work, Fisheries Trade, Aquaculture, Biodiversity and SSF Guidelines
Women engage in a wide range of activities in fisheries, including paid and unpaid work and liaison with institutions. In several countries, women dominate inland fishing and aquaculture. Their play multiple roles – in seafood processing plants, as caregivers in the family, as the builders of social networks and community.
Gender issues focus not on women only but on their relationship with men, on their roles, rights and responsibilities. They acknowledge that these vary within and between cultures as well as by class, race, ethnicity, age and marital status.
The 2014 SSF Guidelines are based on the principle of gender equality and equity. They integrate gender issues into all small-scale fisheries development strategies.
Women involved in artisanal fishing are considered as key actors in the socio-economic development of West African countries. Yet, the importance of their contribution is not well known. Thus, in...
This paper begins with a review of the cultural and political background of selected Asian countries (Bangladesh, Cambodia, Kuwait, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, the Lao PDR, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, Saudi...
This paper analyzes the existing understanding of the fishery industry in Philippines. It reviews women’s issues, involvement of women in commercial fishing, aquaculture, household production, food security, health services and...
The European Commission organized a conference on the role of women in the fisheries sector in Brussels on 23 and 24 January 2003 attended by approximately 200 women from all...
The European Commission organized a conference on the role of women in the fisheries sector in Brussels on 23 and 24 January 2003 attended by approximately 200 women from all...
Women play an important role in fisheries in the Indo-Chinese peninsula, but their contributions have not been adequately recognized. PADEK, recognizing the most important role of women in fisheries, organized...
Women play an important role in fisheries in the Indo-Chinese peninsula, but their contributions have not been adequately recognized. PADEK, recognizing the most important role of women in fisheries, organized...
Case-study of women involved in fisheries in Fiji, who are active productive agents and have an important role in the sustainability of the resources. The author encourages the implementation of...
Case-study of women involved in fisheries in Fiji, who are active productive agents and have an important role in the sustainability of the resources. The author encourages the implementation of...
This study forms part of a larger research project initiated by the Women’s Industry Network (WIN), a South Australian-based non-government organization for women in the fishing industry, and the Social...